"Georgia O'Keeffe" | H. G. Wells 소설책 읽는 즐거움 2022. 2. 15. 03:23
Roxana Robinson, "Georgia O'Keeffe: A Life" (1989)
이 책에서도, 저자가 이 책(본문만 560쪽)을 위해서 얼마나 많이
준비하고 공부했을까 생각하면 그저 놀랍기만 하다.
"[Arthur Wesley] Dow was responsible for her newly defined
attitude: 'Filling a space in a beautiful way. That's what art
means to me.' This philosophy meant that all physical
choices were aesthetic ones." (p. 90)
"[I]n the attempt to discuss what is most important to her,
Georgia begins to describe the landscape around her. The
visual nourishment she received from it was central to
her conscoiusness." (p. 132)
"'I am not fine,' she insisted stoutly, 'nothing fine about me.
And I'm not sorry about it either. I'm only what I am -- and
I'm free to live the minutes as they come to me. If you know
me at all you must know me as I am.'" (p. 185)
"[S]he still found it difficult to reconcile militarism with
fundamental Christian teachings or humanistic behavior.
She would always find herself resistant to rising tides
of mass emotion, and her sense of real integrity,
a philosophical wholness, denied the possibility
of the end's justifying the means." (p. 191)
"[Y]ou worlds, who see in flag-waving an excuse
for murder." (p. 294)
"I can not even say to myself ... -- that the things that have
hurt me most have been worth most to me.... A great
sorrow is a great experience -- a life without it seems a pale
colorless thing to me -- but I can not help feeling that
a great joy is more to my liking. (p. 348)
"O'Keeffe found in the vast sweep of the New Mexican views,
the brilliant clarity of the colors, the sense of freedom and
solitude. It would remain thereafter the central source of
elemental strength." (p. 361)
"Georgia gave her own formula for dealing with unhappiness. ...
[I]magine it is two years from now -- and in the mean time
don't do anything foolish." (p. 393)
"She continued to paint, as she always had done, partly
precisely because she did fail so often. 'Maybe that is
part of what keeps one working.'" (p. 482)
H. G. Wells, "Four Complete Novels"
이 책에 실린 H. G. Wells 의 네 소설 중에
"The Time Machine" (1895) 과 "The invisible Man" (1897) 은
오래전에 다른 책으로 읽었다. 그그저께 Koelbel Library 라운지에서
사와서는, "The War of the Worlds" (1898) 와
"The Island of Doctor Moreau" (1896) 를 읽고서
오늘 책을 다시 도서관에 기증했다.
H. G. Wells 의 책으로는, 한동안 참 재밌게 읽은,
"The Outline Of History" (1956)가 내가 특히 아끼는 책이다.
'책 읽는 즐거움' 카테고리의 다른 글
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