E. Annie Proulx | Stefan Zweig책 읽는 즐거움 2022. 2. 28. 11:46
E. Annie Proulx, "The Shipping News" (1993)
아내를 잃고서 어린 두 딸을 데리고 Newfoundland 의 해안
마을로 이주해서 새로운 삶을 시작하는 젊은이의 이야기다.
Pulitzer Prize 와 National Book Award 수상 작품인데
충뷴히 그럴 만한 소설이다.
이 소설에 나오는, 20세기 초, 영국의 고아들이나 부모로부터
버려진 아이들을 데려와서 노예로 잔인하게 부려먹는
카나다(온타리오) 농부들 얘기가 안 잊힌다.
Stefan Zweig, "The Struggle with the Daemon:
Hölderlin, Kleist, Nietzsche" (독어판 1925; 영역본 2012)
"Each of Nietzsche's convictions formed a period of transition....
One of his most challenging sayings runs: 'It is a great
disadvantage for a thinker to be tied to one individuality. When
a man has succeeded in finding himself, he should try from
time to time to lose himself again, and then to seek and
find himself once more.'" (p. 285)
"[I]t was Jakob Burckhardt, the most intelligent among
Nietzsche's readers, who best devined his message when ...
he wrote that the latter's books had 'increased
independence in the world.'" (p. 331)
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