Elaine Pagels스크랩북 2025. 2. 14. 03:07
. TWA for Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025 에서: Today is the birthday of American religious historian Elaine Pagels, born Elaine Hiesey in Palo Alto, California (1943). She was raised by Protestant parents who weren’t particularly observant. When she was 13, she rebelled by joining an Evangelical church. When her friend, who was Jewish, was killed in a car accident, church members told her that he would ..
Notre Dame could have 'gone sideways,' instead it's still fighting스크랩북 2025. 1. 11. 02:05
. Notre Dame could have 'gone sideways,' instead it's still fightingMark Schlabach, ESPN Senior WriterJan 10, 2025 "The team that wouldn't quit somehow keeps winning." --- 위 기사에서 Notre Dame will face the winner of the Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic semifinal between Texas and Ohio State.Rich Storry/Getty Images(사진과 caption은 위 기사에서)
2024 노벨상 시상식 | 한강의 노벨 문학상 강연스크랩북 2024. 12. 11. 07:56
. 비디오: 12/10/2024, Stockholm Concert Hall 2024 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony Han Kang: 2024 Nobel Prize Lecture in Literature비디오 & 텍스트 (한국어, English, Swedish)12/7/2024 Han Kang speaks during this year's Nobel Prize lecture in literature at the Swedish Academy on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden. (Pontus Lundahl/TT News Agency via AP)
How Israel’s Army Uses Palestinians as Human Shields in Gaza스크랩북 2024. 10. 16. 10:23
. How Israel’s Army Uses Palestinians as Human Shields in GazaIsraeli soldiers and Palestinian former detainees say troops have regularly forced captured Gazans to carry out life-threatening tasks, including inside Hamas tunnels. By Natan OdenheimerBilal Shbair and Patrick Kingsley Oct. 14, 2024, The new York Times 아래는 위 기사에서An investigation by The New York Times found that Israeli soldiers an..
Nobel Prize in Physiology for Discovery of microRNA스크랩북 2024. 10. 13. 00:14
. Nobel Prize in Physiology for Discovery of microRNA By Teddy Rosenbluth and Derrick Bryson Taylor Oct. 7, 2024, The New York Times 아래는 위 기사에서 Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on Monday for the discovery of microRNA, a tiny class of RNA molecules that play a crucial role in determining how organisms mature and function — and how they sometimes..
한강, 2024 노벨 문학상 수상 -- IWP & NYT스크랩북 2024. 10. 12. 02:28
. 내가 한강의 소설을 처음 읽은 건 2000년에 Iowa 대학의 Writer's Workshop 웹사이트에서였다. 아이오와대의 International Wrting Program (IWP) 참가자들 작품이 올라 있었는데 한강의 단편은, 제목은 잊었는데, 나중에 한국에서 "내 여자의 열매"를 읽으면서 그 초본의 영역본에 해당한다고 생각했던 기억이 난다. 오늘 그 생각이 나서 IWP 사이트에 가보니, 1998 IWP 참가자 한강의 노벨상 수상 소식이 크게 올라 있다. 한강은 Orhan Pamuk과 Mo Yan에 이어 IWP 참가 작가 중 세 번째의 노벨상 수상자라고.International Writing Program participant wins 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature ..
Han Kang Is Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature스크랩북 2024. 10. 10. 23:08
. 아침에 PC 창을 열고, 먼저 뜨는, 뉴욕타임즈의 기사 표제들을 읽어 내려가는데 작가 한강의 사진이다. 올해 나온다고 해서 내가 기다리던 그녀의 소설 "작별하지 않는다" 영역본이 나왔나, 하면서 옆 표제를 보니 !! Han Kang Is Awarded Nobel Prize in LiteratureBy Alex Marshall and Alexandra AlterOct.10, 2024, The New York Times (한강의 "The Vegetarian" 영역으로 '맨 부커 International' 상을 한강과 함께 받은 Deborah Smith에게 새삼 고마움을 느낀다: "소설은 가끔이나 읽으려면서도," "Han Kang Wins Man Booker International") 아래는 위 기사에..
'평화를 위한 유태인의 목소리' (JVP) 반이스라엘 시위스크랩북 2024. 10. 8. 11:59
. 아래는, 오늘 덴버대 학생 신문 The DU Clarion에서 읽은 기사,"JVP holds downtown march against Israel," Liam Piper, news editor, 에서의 인용이다. "On Sundat Sept. 29th, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) held a 'Tashlich' march down North Speer Boulevard, calling for an arms embargo against Israel." "In solidarity with Palestein, the group used speakers to organize chants accusing Colorado lawmakers of supporting geno..
Legs on A Fish | Two-State Solution스크랩북 2024. 9. 30. 01:53
. ● Legs on A Fish This Fish Evolved Legs That It Uses to Taste Stuff on the Seafloor By Sofia Quaglia Sept. 26, 2024, The New York Times Video: 위 기사에서 위 기사에서: The sea robin has fascinated scientists for decades. It has the body of a fish, the wings of a bird and the legs of a crab. If that wasn’t special enough, two studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology by Dr. Ki..