How South Korea Puts Its Food Scraps to Good Use스크랩북 2023. 6. 14. 23:11
How South Korea Puts Its Food Scraps to Good Use
By John Yoon
Photographs and Video by Chang W. Lee
June 14, 2023, The New York Times
"The system in South Korea, which keeps about 90 percent of discarded food out of landfills and incinerators, has been studied by governments around the world. Officials from China, Denmark and elsewhere have toured South Korea’s facilities. New York City, which will require all residents to separate their food waste from other trash by next fall, has been observing the Korean system for years, a spokesman for the city’s sanitation department said."
"Critics note that for all its benefits, South Korea’s program hasn’t attained one of its goals: getting people to throw away less food." [이런 점에서는, 외식 때 남긴 음식은 밑반찬까지도 다 싸 오는 것이 '바른 외식 매너'로 인식되는 한국 사회이면 좋겠다.]
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