How to Think Through the Moral Tangle in Gaza스크랩북 2024. 6. 6. 12:34
How to Think Through the Moral Tangle in Gaza
June 1, 2024, New York Times
뉴욕 타임즈 칼럼니스트 Bret Stephens는 분명 아니지만, 위 칼럼에 명시된 니콜라스 크리스토프의 생각에 대체로 동의하는 유태인들도 많겠다.
아래는, 사진도 포함해서, 위 칼럼에서:
Israelis have built a remarkable economy and society and should have the right to raise their children without fear of terror attacks, while Palestinians should enjoy the same freedoms and be able to raise their children safely in their own state.
All lives have equal value, and all children must be presumed innocent... [T]here is a moral equivalence between Israeli civilians and Palestinian civilians.
It’s also true that Biden’s failure to apply enough leverage over the last seven months has made the United States complicit in human rights abuses in Gaza, because it has provided weapons used in the mass killing of civilians, and because it has gone too far in protecting Israel at the United Nations.
There was no excuse for Hamas attacking Israel on Oct. 7 and murdering, torturing and raping Israeli civilians. And there is no excuse for Israel’s reckless use of 2,000-pound bombs and other munitions that have destroyed entire city blocks and killed vast numbers of innocent people, including more than 200 aid workers.
Using starvation as a weapon of war against civilians, as the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court alleges Israel has done, is a violation of the laws of war.
Each side justifies its own brutality by pointing to earlier cruelty by the other side. Israelis see Oct. 7. Palestinians see the “open-air prison” imposed on Gaza before that.... Enough obsession with the past! Let’s focus instead on saving lives in the coming months and years.
Zionism is not a form of racism. And criticism of Israel is not antisemitism. Both sides are too quick to fire such epithets.
But “apartheid” is a rough approximation of Israeli rule in the West Bank, where Arabs have long been oppressed under a system that is separate and unequal.
덧붙임 (6/6/2024 뉴욕 타임즈 기사에서):
● Israeli Strike Kills Dozens at Former School Where Civilians Were Sheltering
● "Spain will ask to join South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, the Spanish foreign minister, José Manuel Albares, announced on Thursday, the Reuters news agency reported. It joins Ireland, Turkey, Egypt and several other countries that have said they will support the case."
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