
  • "Poets at Work" & "The Best American Poetry 2018"
    읽는 즐거움 2024. 7. 17. 07:48



    시인들과의 대담을 엮은

    Poets at Work은 재밌는데

    The Best American Poetry 2018

    읽어보니 읽어볼 만하지 않다.


    BAP 2018 서문에서 시리즈 편집자

    David Lehman은 또 시의 안부가 걱정이다.

    시인 Charles Wright도 인용하고 ---

       "시는 더 좋게 들리고

        더 많은 뜻을 담은 언어다." ---

    2017년에 별세한 시인 Richard Wilbur

    John Ashbery도 회고한다.

    Wilbur의 This Pleasing Anxious Being,

    Ashbery의 The Skaters는 나도 읽어봐야겠다.


    BAP 2018 의 시 75편 중에서

    두 번 읽고 싶은 건 한두 편,

    Robin Coste Lewis

    Using Black to Paint Light

    온라인으로 읽으면 되니,

    책은 Little Free Library에 기증했다.


    Poetry Foundation에서 Lewis

    Summer를 읽어본다.

    시 읽는 즐거움!

    길섶 작은 흰꽃을 보면 즐겁지 않은가.


    시는 시일 뿐

    Eliot이나 Neruda나 Bishop도

    그리 생각한 것 같다.





    "The Best American Poetry 2018"

    DanaGioia, guest editor | David Lehman, series editor 





    "Poets at Work: Interviews from the Paris Review" (2021)

    edited by Vijay Seshadri



    Poets at WorkParis Review의 'The Art of Poetry' 시인 인터뷰 시리즈 중에서 Robert Lowell, Marianne Moore, Ezra Pound, Pablo Neruda, Elizabeth Bishop, John Ashbery, Derek Walcott, Yehuda Amichai, Mark Strand, Susan Howe, Ishmael Reed, Frank Bidart, 그리고, 그의 글을 나는 읽어보고 싶지 않은, Allen Ginsber까지 모두 열 세 시인과의 대담을 정리한 책이다.





    Elizabeth Bishop:  Oh, I was interested in all things. I'd like to be a painter most, I think. I never really sat down and said to myself, I'm going to ba a poet. Never in my life.... I'd just hold my tongue. I was embarrassed by it. And still am. There's nothing more embarrassing than being a poet, really. (p. 70)


    Pablo Neruda:  I don't believe in symbols.... The dove signifies the dove and the guitar signifies a musical instrument called the guitar. (p. 107)


    Robert Lowell:  If adding a couple of syllbles in a line made it clear I'd add them. (p. 157)


    Marianne Moore:  And with no integrity, a man is not likely to write the kind of book I read. (p. 225)


    Derek Walcott:  For me writing plays was even more exciting than working on poems because it was a communal effort, people getting together and trying to find things. (p. 254)


    Susan Howe:  I always have my mother's copy of Finnegans Wake near at hand. I can't read the whole book -- I can't read the whold Bible, either. If I'm stuck, I'll just open Finnegans anywhere and look at a sentence or paragraph. It's all based on wordplay and punning. The ear and the eye. chance, luck, and logic. (p. 291)


    John Ashbery:  And then there is always a principal café in the neighborhood where you can sample some nice wine and look at the people. (p. 452)

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    Rachel Maddow, "Blowout"  (0) 2024.07.07
    Rechard Ford, "Canada"  (0) 2024.06.20
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