How Israel’s Army Uses Palestinians as Human Shields in Gaza스크랩북 2024. 10. 16. 10:23
How Israel’s Army Uses Palestinians as Human Shields in Gaza
Israeli soldiers and Palestinian former detainees say troops have regularly forced captured Gazans to carry out life-threatening tasks, including inside Hamas tunnels.
By Natan OdenheimerBilal Shbair and Patrick Kingsley
Oct. 14, 2024, The new York Times
아래는 위 기사에서
An investigation by The New York Times found that Israeli soldiers and intelligence agents, throughout the war in Gaza, have regularly forced captured Palestinians ... to conduct life-threatening reconnaissance missions to avoid putting Israeli soldiers at risk on the battlefield.
“In most cases,” Professor Schmitt said, “this constitutes a war crime.”
The soldiers who spoke to The Times said they began using the practice during the current war because of a desire to limit the risks to infantry.
Some of the soldiers who saw or participated in the practice found it deeply troubling, prompting them to take the risk of discussing a military secret with a journalist. Two were connected to The Times by Breaking the Silence, an independent watchdog that gathers testimony from Israeli soldiers.
A picture provided by Breaking the Silence of two Israeli soldiers forcing a Palestinian
detainee to walk first into a dangerous area. Breaking the Silence
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