[스크렙] Woody Paige’s final Denver Post column: Looking back at 35 years스크랩북 2016. 8. 3. 06:17
문학 작품이나 작가가, 넌지시 그리고 그야말로 양념처럼, 종종 언급되기도 하는
그런 특이한 스포츠 칼럼을 읽는 재미가, 내 기억에 남은 Woody Paige 칼럼의
가장 인상적인 특징이다. 스포츠 칼럼이 다 그렇듯 늘 유모러스했던 건 물론이다.
Woody Paige’s final Denver Post column: Looking back at 35 years
(Woody Paige, Denver Post, 7/31/12016)
"I’ve attempted to provoke readers to thought. A 16th-century
philosopher first said: “If two people agree, one is unnecessary.’’
I’ve always been honest with my opinions. I hope I’ve
entertained and informed."
"My heroes are Kurt Vonnegut, Ernest Hemingway,
Geoffrey Chaucer, Dan Jenkins, Jim Murray and Winston Churchill.
I will continue to write until the moment I die. I’m sad not to be
writing for The Denver Post, but I’m happy I will be writing for
the Colorado Springs Gazette..."
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