Willa Cather, "Death Comes For The Archbishop" 에서책 읽는 즐거움 2018. 4. 30. 01:11
Willa Cather, "Death Comes for the Archbishop" (1927)
"His work seemed superficial, a house built upon the sands.
His great diocese was still a heathen country. The Indians
travelled their old road of fear and darkness, battling with
evil omens and ancient shadows. The Mexicans
were children who played with their religion."
'heathen'을 'un-enlightened' 로 바꿔 읽어본다.
그의 교구만 그런가? 천주교 주교인 그는? 지금 우리 사회는?
"disagreements are personal insults" 라는 사고방식은?
"During those last weeks of the Bishop's life he thought
very little about death; it was the past he was leaving....
But he had an intellectual curiosity about dying; about the
changes that took place in a man's beliefs and scale of
values. More and more life seemed to him an experience of
the Ego, in no sense the Ego itself. This conviction, he
believed, was something apart from his religious life. It was
an enlightenment that came to him as a man, a human
creature. And he noticed that he judged conduct
differently now; his own and that of others. The
mistakes of his life seemed unimportant;
accidents that had occurred en route."
"The change was that the old man did not want food,
and that he slept, or seemed to sleep, nearly all the
the time. on the last day of his life."
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