
  • Jenny Erpenbeck 의 소설 "Go, Went, Gone' 에서
    책 읽는 즐거움 2019. 6. 26. 13:41

    Jenny Erpenbeck, "Go, Went, Gone" (영역본 2017, 독일어 원본 2015)

    How many times, he wonders, must a person relearn

    everything he knows, rediscovering it over and over, and

    how many coverings must be torn away before he's finally

    able to truly grasp things, to understand them to the

    bone? (p 142)

    Or have the people living here under untroubled

    circumstances and at so great a distance from the war of

    others bee afflicted with a poverty of experience, a sort

    of emotional anemia? Must living in peace - so fervently

    wished for throughout human history and yet enjoyed in

    only a few parts of the world -- inevitably result in

    refusing to share it with those seeking refuge, defending

    it instead so aggressively that it almost looks like war?

    (p 241)

    Two thousand years ago, no one was more hospitable

    than the Teutons. Surely you are acquainted with the

    lovely section in Tacitus's Germania devoted to our

    ancestor's hospitality? Yes, Richard says, nodding. May I

    recall the passage in question for you? You may. The

    lawyer gets up, goes over to the bookshelf, ... pulls his

    Tacitus off the self, and opens the small book at a page

    marked by a slip of paper. ... Richard nod to him, and now

    the lawyer begins his recital: It is accounted a sin to turn

    any man away from your door. The host welcomes his

    guest with the best meal that his means allow. When he

    has finished entertaining him, the host undertakes a fresh

    role: he accompanies the guest to the nearest house

    where further hospitality can be had. It makes no

    difference that they come uninvited; they are welcomed

    just as warmly. No distinction is ever made between

    acquaintance and stranger as far as the right to

    hospitality is concerned. ... The lawyer claps the book

    shut and asks Richard: And nowadays? (p 250-1)

    A life in which an empty present is occupied by a memory

    that one cannot endure, in which the future refuses to

    show itself, must be extremely taxing, Richard thinks,

    since this is a life without a shoreline, as it were. (p 277)

    역시 독후감 쓸 엄두는 안 난다.

    책을 읽으면서 어느 부분에서 문득, 그 며칠 전 온라인 신문에서

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    유명 정치인이 한국의 외국인 노동자와 한국인 노동자의 임금

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