Angie Kim 의 데뷰 소설 "Miracle Creek"책 읽는 즐거움 2019. 6. 1. 12:02
Angie Kim, "Miracle Creek" (2019)
(덧붙임: 사진의 날자는 오류: 2019. 5. 24 로 정정)
Angie kim 의 데뷰 소설 "Miracle Creek"을 사흘쯤 걸려 다 읽은 것
같다, 내 독후감은, 책 뒤표지에 인용된 아래의 서평이 대신 잘
표현해주고 있다. 마지막 책장을 덮으며 든 느낌이 사실, 이
단어를 떠올린 건 아니었지만, '경이 a marvel' 이었다
Miracle Creek is a marvel, a taut courtroom thriller that
ultimately tells the most human story imaginable....
I am wrecked, I am heartened and hopeful, which means,
in short, that Miracle Creek is pretty much the perfect
novel for these chaotic times in which we live.
-- Laura Lippman
본문에서 임의롭게 두 구절만 인용하면:
Mary getting a handkerchief from their dresser,
wiping away her tears, stretching her lips into a smile,
and saying, "Look, Um-ma, I'm not crying anymore,"
looking dignified, just as she was now."
She looked toward the creek. She couldn't see the water,
hidden behind the thicket of leaves stained in bright yellows
and reds, no pattern to the colors as if toddlers had run
around with paint cans, spraying trees at random.
그리고 작가의 "Acknowledgments" 에서:
To my parents, Anna and John Kim, my um-ma and
ap-bah, thank you for sacrificing your lives in Korea
to bring our family to this foreign land, all for my future.
Review: by Krys Lee (뉴욕타임즈 5/1/2019)
Review: by Jung Yun (워싱턴포스트)
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