
  • "The Writer's Library" 에서
    책 읽는 즐거움 2021. 4. 16. 07:16

    Nancy Pearl & Jeff Schwager, "The Writer's

    Library: The Authors You Love on the Books

    That Changed Their Lives" (2020)



    "In Senegal, when someone dies, you say that his or her library

    is burned." -- in Foreword by Susan Orlean.


    이 책을 읽고서, 눈에 띄기를 바라게 된 책:

    Moroccan 미국 작가 Laila Lalami 의 The Moor's Account

    The Other Americans,

    J. M. Coetzee 의 Wating for the Bbarbarian,

    Ann Patchett 의 State of Wonder,

    Olga Tokarcuk 의 Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead,

    Ethiopian 미국 작가 Maaza Mengiste 의 The Shadow King.

    Northrup Frye 의 에세이 The Educated Imagination,

    Naguib Mahfouz 의 The Cairo Trilogy.


    Laila Lalami 의 코멘트를 읽고서, 안 읽고 기증해버리기로 한

    내 책: Cormac McCarthy 의 Blood Meridan .


    Susan Choi


    "Kirstin Valdez Quade is really interesting, and I liked her debut

    collection [Night At The Fiestas] a lot. I thought it was really



    "I remember really loving CarsonMcCullers. Really loving The

    Heart is a Lonely Hunter." [나도 아주 좋아하는 책 => 책 표지]


    "Linda Sue Park. I've read all of her books. They are so good.

    And they are remarkable too, because I read her book about

    colonial Korea, and I thought, This is how my father grew up."

    [Susan Choi 의 아버지는 한국인, 어머니는 유태계 미국인]


    Siri Hustvedt: "As you read, you generate images; your whole

    body participates even though you aren't moving. Vittorio

    Gallese, the neuroscientist who's also a friend, calls it

    'embodied simulation.'"


    Amor Towles:


    "The four of us have now been reading together for sixteen

    years,. We meet on a monthly basis to talk about a novel. We

    generally convene at a restaurant.... One year we read Anna

    Karenina by Tolstoy, Madame Bovary by Flaubert, George

    Elliot's Middlemarch, and Henry James's Portrait of a Lady.

    We call that project: Nineteen-Century Wives Under Pressure."


    "I must have read T. S. Elliot's Pruflock a hundred times. For

    some reason, I never tired of it.... While reading it, even after

    a few lines, I felt I knew everything about this person. And yet

    to describe all the impressions I was drawing out of a handful

    of lines would have taken me pages and pages to explain.

    Because Elliot has such a wonderful economy of language,

    and there is so much sentiment and nuance and conflict built

    into the few words he's using."


    "We also read the Cairo Trilogy, the three novels by Naguib

    Mahfouz, and those were revealation. We all loved them and

    still talk about them now, many years later."


    Louise Erdrich:


    "Ariel is fire for me. Or Lady Lazarus: 'I rise with my red hair /

    And eat men like air.' I used to think about that line while

    waiting for buses, in Moorhead [Minnesota], in winter. it was

    very warming. My father's a great one for memorizing poems.

    All of my siblings know some poems by heart. He still loves to

    shout them now. We shout them together."


    ['A book that you just absolutely couldn't imagine not owning?'

    이란 질문에] "Yes, the collected stories of Chekhov. That's what

    I read if I'm disturbed, depressed, or can't back to sleep. I have

    Chekhov next to the bed.... The  books I take with me on my

    book tours are always the ones that are sustaining. I take

    Chekhov, and I often take Middlemarch.




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