S. Budiansky, "Journey To The Edge of Reason" 에서책 읽는 즐거움 2021. 12. 29. 03:27
Stephen Budiansky, "Journey To The Edge of Reason:
The Life of Kurt Gödel" (2021)
Kurt Gödel 에대해서는, 그의 불완정성 정리
(Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems)
증명을 포함해서, 여기 저기 관심가는 부분만 조금 읽었다.
슬프게도, 64세 때의 Gödel 에 대해서 이렇게 쓰여 있다:
"But now he was tormented by demon, of failure and persecution."
Gödel 보다도 19세기 말 전후의 비엔나 이야기가 재밌다.
저자가 역사가이자 작가이어선지, Joseph Roth 의 The Emperor's Tomb
같은, 소설이나, Stefan Zweig 의 The World of Yesterday 같은, 에세이에서의
인용이 많다. (우연히 산 Stefan Zweig의 저 책을 앞당겨 읽어야겠다.)
도서관에 반납하고 말 책이라서, 아래에, 좀 많이 인용한다.
오스트리아와 항가리에서 많은 유태인 학자들이 나온 데에 오스트리아
황제 Franz Joseph 의 기여가 컸다는 것에 주목하게 된다.
Though Gödel was not Jewish, it was no coincidence that growing
up ... and later studying at the great intellectual magnet of
the University of Vienna, he found that almost all of his
closest friends were Jews or Jewish descent. (P. 28)
Barred for centuries from the universities, professionals, and craft
guilds, subjected to punitive taxation and legal restrictions, ... Jews
responded to Franz Joseph's 1867 decree granting complete religious
freedom and equal civil rights in a burst of long-thwarted
enthusiasm. The traditional Jewish zeal for education made itself
felt almost instantly. By 1890s, although only 5 percent of the
empire's population and 10 percent of Vienna's, Jews made up
40 percent of the students who attended the city's rigorously
academic Gymnasiums.... Approximately 30 percent of students at
the University of Vienna were jews; in the medical school, the
figure was close to 50 percent. (p. 28-29)
Jewish boys from the earliest age acquired three or four languages:
the Yiddish spoken at home; Hebrew, which they learned to read and
write beginning at age three to study the Torah, followed by Aramic
for the Talmud; the local vernacular of Polish, Hungarian, Czech,
Ukrainian, or Romanian; and often German as well, the official
language of the empire's administration and top schools. The prestige
of study that was deeply ingrained in Jewish traditon transffered
itself readily to the secular world, along with a burning desire
to catch up on what has so long been denied them. (p. 29)
With their reverence for German literature and culture, jews
dominated Austrian journalism and letters; more than 50 percent
of the members of the journalists' society of Vienna circa 1900
were of Jewish ancestry, as were many if not most of the
leading novelists, operetta liberettists, and playwrights
of fin-de-siè·cle Vienna. (p. 30)
Austria's liberal intelligentsia reacted to the disaster of liberalism's
collapse in a characteristically Austrian way, retreating ever furthur
into the life of art, aestheticism, and a kind of high-minded
individualism, what the writer Hermann Broch termed the
"flight into the apolitical." (p. 35)
A great influence on the thinking of the intelligentsia of "Young
Vienna" was the philosophical ideas of the physicist Ernst Mach....
Rejecting all a priori truth, Mach took empiricism to new extremes:
knowledge is based only on appearance, he insisted, and
appearances are nothing but "the world of our own sensations."
Thus, there are no such things as objects, permanance, or even
realty in any objective sense.... The polymath Egon Friedell ...
asserted that in choosing to depict light over things, Klimt
and his fellow modernists had simply "painted Mach." (p. 37)
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