Magda Szabó, "The Door"책 읽는 즐거움 2024. 1. 1. 09:19
, "The Door" (1987; Len RIx 영역 2005)
By Claire Messud
헝가리 작가 Magda Szabó의 소설 "The Door" -- 줄거리는 위 서평에 -- 는, 지난 며칠, 평소보다도 유난히 더 재밌어하며 읽은 두 책 중에 하나인데 그저께 밤늦게야 다 읽었다. (다른 하나는 아직 읽고 있는 "A Marianne Moore Reader," 시인 Marianne Moore의 에세이들이 이렇게 재밌게 읽힐 줄은 몰랐다.)
특별한 생각 없이 한 구절을 본문에서 인용한다:
"We stepped outside and walked a little way together. The only perceptible fragrance was that of the rain. Once again, it was like Book Six of the Aeneid, as we made our way through the shadows, swathed in mist. Above us the moon hid itself only to deceive; soon it would pour down its rays. When I opened the door to our apartment, the tears began to flow. For the first time in my life I could not and would not explain to my husband why I was weeping. It was the only occasion in our years of marriage that I refused to give him an answer." (p. 163)
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