
  • "Beyond Genius" | "The Civil War"
    책 읽는 즐거움 2025. 3. 28. 01:31



    어제까지 다 읽은 책 두 권의 이름이나 적어 놓기로 한다:


    Bulent Atalay, "Beyond Genius" (2023),

    Bruce Catton, "The Civil War" (1960).


    "Beyond Genius"는 가장 뛰어난 업적을 남긴 Leonardo (1452-1519), Shakespeare (1564-1616), Newton (1642-1727), Beethoven (1770-1827), Einstein (1879-19550)과 그밖의 수많은 '천재'들에 대한 이야기다. 다시 책을 펼쳐보며 지금 눈에 들어오는 -- 기분에 맞는 -- 대로 몇 구절만 아래 인용한다. 이 책을 읽고 나니, 갖고 있던 Walter Isaacson의 "Eeinstein: His life and Universe" (2007)는, 읽을 생각도 시간도 없어서, 도서관에 기증했다. 


    A genuinely dedicated mentor can ultimately become an inspiring figure for any ten-year old. (p. 427)


    Then in 1600 another serious setback to science occurred when Giordano Bruno, a Dominican friar, was burned at the stake in Rome for publishing an endorsement of Copernicus's views. (p. 206)


    It is to "Jo" that Luijten grants the lion's share of the credit for creating the "van Gogh genius" designation. Jo was, of course, the artist's sister-in-law. (p. 396)


    She[Jo] carefully managed the exposure of Vincent's paintings. Critics who knew little or nothing about Vincent described their reactions to her: "Mrs. [Theo] van Gogh is a charming woman, but it irritates me when someone fanatically raves about something they don't understand." But when she treated or tricked them into reading the artist's own words in those letters, where he is pouring out his soul, explaining his personal analyses of what he saw and how he represented it, the critics began to write articles and books based on Vincent's own worldview of art.... In a solo exhibition she single-handedly arranged in Amsterdam's Stedelijk Museum in 1915, there were 484 of Vincent's works on display, the largest exhibition of the artist's work ever, their value in today's market tens of billions of dollars. Jo's elevation of van Gogh as an endearing tortured genius finds parallels in Clara's rescue and elevation of Robert Schumann. (p. 397)





    Bulent Atalay, "Beyond Genius: A Journey through the Characteristics

    and Legacies of Transformative Minds" (2023)




    Bruce Catton, "The Civil War" (1960)




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