다시 S. Pinker, "Enlightenment Now" 에서책 읽는 즐거움 2018. 5. 24. 06:03
"How will the tension play out
the liberal, cosmopolitan, enlightenment humanism
that has been sweeping the world for decades
the regressive, authoritarian, tribal populism
pushing back?
The major long-term forces that have carried
liberalism along -- mobility, connectivity, education,
urbanization -- are not likely to go into reverse ....
Populism is an old man's movement. ...
support for all three of its recrudescence --
Trump, Brexit, and European populist
parties -- falls off dramatically with year of birth."
반민주적 권위(독재)주의 정권/정당에 대한 지지가
젊은 층으로 갈수록 현저하게 떨어진다는 것은
분명히 좋은 일이다.
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