W. Stegner, "Crossing To Safety" 에서책 읽는 즐거움 2018. 10. 30. 12:20
"From her point of view, does it make any difference
whether she dies Thursday instead of Saturday? What
right has anybody to tell her she can't spend her last
hours roller-skating, if that's what she wants?" (p 308)
"You do have a chance. Even if it's only ten percent,
even if it's only five, why not take it? Are you so tired of
living? Are you so tired of us?"
For a longtime they looked at each other. Finally she
shook her head. "You wouldn't want the five or ten
percent they might save. Neither would I." (p 291)
It[friendship] is a relationship that has no formal shape,
there are no rules or obligations or bonds as in marriage
or the family, it is held together by neither law nor
property nor blood, there is no glue in it but mutual liking.
It is therefore rare. (p 102)
(책 표지 사진은, 포스트 "책 읽는 즐거움: Crossing To Safety" 에)
"Crossing To Safety" (1987)은 "Angle of Repose" (1971) 에 이어
두 번째로 읽은 Wallace Stegner 의 소설인데, 지난 주에는 그의 또 다른
좋은 소설 "The Spectator Bird" (1976)를 읽었다.
'책 읽는 즐거움' 카테고리의 다른 글
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