새해 아침에: E. Dickinson 의 시 "We grow accustomed to the Dark"시 2019. 1. 8. 08:23
밁은 샘물처럼.
마음이나마 그런 마음이고 싶다.
We grow accustomed to the Dark —
Emily Dickinson
We grow accustomed to the Dark —
When Light is put away —
As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp
To witness her Good bye —A Moment — We Uncertain step
For newness of the night —
Then — fit our Vision to the Dark —
And meet the Road — erect —And so of larger — Darknesses —
Those Evenings of the Brain —
When not a Moon disclose a sign —
Or Star — come out — within —The Bravest — grope a little —
And sometimes hit a Tree
Directly in the Forehead —
But as they learn to see —Either the Darkness alters —
Or something in the sight
Adjusts itself to Midnight —
And Life steps almost straight.
반쯤 읽은 채 소파에 놔두었던, 시인 Jane Hirshfield 의 산문집"Ten Windows: How Great Poems Transform the World" (2015)를
다시 집어들면서 만난 시다. 시인들이 시에 대해서 하는 말들이 크게
새로울 건 없지만 예로 든 시들을 읽는 재미가 있다.
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