Anne Tyler 소설 "The Accidental Tourist"책 읽는 즐거움 2019. 3. 5. 02:02
Anne Tyler,The Accidental Tourist (1985)
"Those cool little fingers were so distinct, so particular,
so full of character. Macon tightened his grip and felt a
pleasant kind of sorrow sweeping through him. Oh, his
life had regained all its old perils. He was forced to worry
once again about nuclear war and the future of the planet.
He often had the same secret, guilty thought that had
come to him after Ethan was born: From this time
on I can never be completely happy. (p 257-8)
"There is no sound more peaceful than rain on the roof,
if you're safe asleep in someone else's house. (p 266)
"She was frantically waving down taxis -- first one ahead,
then Macon's own. 'Arretez!' Macon cried to the driver.
The taxi lurched to a halt. A sudden flash of sunlight hit
the windshield, and spangles flew across the glass.
The spangles were old water spots, or maybe the markings
of the leaves, but for a moment Macon thought they
were something else. They were so bright and festive,
for a moment he thought they were confetti." (p 355, 마지막 페이지)
잘 쓰는 소설가들이 참 많다.
늘 느끼는 거지만, 책 좋아하는 사람에겐
더없이 좋은 동네에 살고 있다.
'책 읽는 즐거움' 카테고리의 다른 글
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