Polanyi 의 "Personal Knowledge" / Robinson 의 "Humanism"책 읽는 즐거움 2019. 12. 17. 01:59
화학자이며 철학자 Michael Polanyi 의 책 Personal Knowledge:
Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy (1958)나 소설가이며
에세이스트 Marilynne Robinson 의 The Givenness of Things:
Essays (2005) 맨 앞에 실린 에세이 Humanism 이나, 크게는, 같은
열정으로 같은 얘기를 하고 있다는 생각이 든다. 이들과 비슷한
생각인 사람들에 속하든, 그 바깥에 속하든, 이들의 주장이나 논리를
어느 정도는 알아 둘 만하겠다.
하나, Humanism 에서 Marilynne 이 "Neuroscientists seem
predisposed to the conclusion that there is no 'self,'" 그리고
[그래서] "Is it fair to say that this school of thought is
directed against humanism? This seems on its face to be
true" 라고 한 것은, 사실 좀 놀라고 실망했는데, 맞기보다는 틀린다는 게
내 생각이다.
Personal knowledge is an intellectual commitment, and as such
inherently hazardous. only affirmations that could be false can be
said to convey objective knowledge of this kind. (in Preface)
St. Augustine brought the history of Greek philosophy to a close by
inaugurating for the first time a post-critical philosophy. He taught
that all knowledge was a gift of grace.... Then faith declined and
demonstrable knowledge gained superiority over it. (p266)
If the universe were in fact meaningless, the destruction of religious
beliefs would have been fully justified. Since I do not believe that
the universe is meaningless.... Today we should be grateful for
the prolonged attacks made by rationalists on religion for forcing
us to renew the grounds of the Christian faith. (p286)
In trying to restrict our minds to the few things that are
demonstrable, ... it has overlooked the a-critical choices which
determine the whole being of our minds and has rendered us
incapable of acknowledging these vital choices. (p286)
I find the soul a valuable concept, a statement of the dignity
of a human life and of the unutterable gravity of human action
and experience.... I am not prepared to concede objectivity to
the arbitrarily reductionist model of reality. (Humanism, p9)
Now that I find myself elderly, I am impatient with artificial
limits we put on our sense of things -- in the name of reason,
I suppose, or in any case in difference to what consensus
will support as reasonable.... Our realism distracts us from
reality, that most remarkable phenomenon. (Realism, p275)
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