Adrienne Rich, "What Is Found There" 에서책 읽는 즐거움 2019. 12. 10. 02:07
Adrienne Rich, "What Is Found There: Notebooks on
Poetry and Politics" (1993)
[P]olitics is the effort to find ways of humanely dealing
with each other -- as groups or as individuals -- politics being
simply process, the breaking down of barriers of oppression,
tradition, culture, ignorance, fear, self-protectiveness. (p24)
Later poems [of Irena Klepfisz] examine the pain and necessity
of a Jew who identifies with the Palestinians under Israeli
occupation. From the Warsaw Ghetto resistance to
the intifada her trajectory is clear. (p143)
Irena Klepfisz 나 마찬가지로 Adrienne Rich 도
유태인 여성 시인이다.
Klepfisz 의 시:
"To a Palestinian woman who I am afraid to name"
(클릭해서, 68쪽에; 이 시만 올라있는 website 를 찾지 못했다)
Ramallah N ablus Qattana if I
forget thee oh Jerusalem
Oh Hebron may I forget
my own past my pain
the depth of my sorrows.
-- 위 시의 마지막 다섯 줄.
Adrienne 의 시: "A Ball is for Throwing"
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