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  • Vivian Gornick 에세이집 "Taking a Long Look" 에서
    책 읽는 즐거움 2021. 6. 6. 04:59

    Vivian Gornick, "Taking a Long Look: Essays on Culture,

    Literature, and Feminism in Our Time" (2021)



    In Alfred Kazin :


    "In 1942, at the age of 27, he[Alfred Kain] published a truly

    seminal book of literary criticism, On Native Grounds, that

    made so strong a case for the value of American literature

    it helped break the stranglehold that European fiction had

    long had on the minds of the American intelligentsia."


    In Herman melville :


    "Hawthorne, during a visit with Melville in Liverpool, wrote

    in his journal: 'It is strange how he persists ... in wondering

    to-and -fro over these [theological] deserts ... He can neither

    believe, nor be comfortable in his unbelief, and he is too

    honest and courageous not to try to do one or the other

    ... he has a very high and noble nature.'"


    In The Reading Group :


    "Argument in the group leaves us, as George Meredith

    said good conversation should leave you, feeling refreshed

    by the opportunity to experience social intercourse as an act

    of self-expansion."


    "When Myra's turn came she amazed us all by stating flatly

    that it mattered not at all that [H. G.] Wells had whitewashed

    his own story [in Experiment in Autobiograhy]. It mattered

    only that in this memoir we had a profoundly satisfying

    evocation of an atmosphere of mind."


    In Primo Levi :


    "Once after what proved to be the final selection for the gas

    chamber, a man in his hut fell to his knees thanking God out

    loud that he had not been chosen, even though a man lying

    in the bunk above him had been. Of this incident, Levi wrote,

    'If i was god, I would spit at Kuhn's prayer.' Nevertheless, Levi

    could understand the Kuhns all around him."


    In Hannah Arendt :


    "The idea of responsible world citizenship became key for

    Arendt. It led her to the passionate conviction that the

    sovereign state must come to an end, as nationalism in the

    twentieth century had, clearly, proved itself the enemy of

    humanity. The state, she thought, should give way to

    federated commonwealths, each composed of a system of

    local governments -- townships, councils, soviets -- within

    which majorities and minorities would no longer be

    accorded differential rights."


    "She was still passionate about the Jews -- 'the wrong

    done by my own people grieves me more than wrong

    done by other peoples' -- only now the passion, instead

    of glowing red hot, burned like dry ice."


    "Among those who objected forcefully to the book

    [Eichmann in Jerusalem] was the Israeli scholar Gershom

    Scholem, who wrote Arendt a much-publicized letter,

    complaining bitterly of the book's coldness, and accusing

    her of having 'no love of the Jewish people.'"



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