"On Fire" 그리고 실수로 잘못 고른 책책 읽는 즐거움 2021. 10. 13. 07:58
Naomi Klein, "On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal" (2019)
아래는 이 책 본문에서:
In scale if not specifics, the Green New Deal proposal takes
its inspiration from Franklin Delano Roosevelt's original New Deal,
which responded to the misery and breakdown of the Great Depression
with flurry of policies and public investments. (p. 21)
Climate change is a collective problem, and it demands collective actions.
One of the key areas ... is big-ticket investment designed to reduce
our emissions on a mass scale. This means subways, strrecars, and
light-rail systems that are not only everywhere but affordable to
everyone, and maybe even free; energy-efficient affordable housing
along those transit lines; smart electrical grids carrying
renewable energy. (p. 81)
In Paris, our governments ... agreed to a goal of keeping warming
below 2ºC while pursuing "efforts to limit the temperature increase
to 1.5ºC." ... And what we now know ... is that if we were to burn all
the oil, gas, and coal from fields and mines already in production,
we would very likely pass 2ºC of warming and
would certainly pass 1.5ºC. (pp.198-9)
As the Gurdian's George Monbiot puts in, our planet's resources
can provide us with "private sufficiency and public luxury," in the
form of "wonderful parks and playgrounds, public sports centers
and swimming pools, galleries, allotments and public transport
networks." The earth cannot, however, sustain the impossible
dream of private luxury for all. (p. 265)
Resistence and change often begin in art. [-- Ursula K. Le Guin] (p. 274)
[R]olling out a Green New Deal would have large costs.... The European
Spring proposal for a Green New Deal ... calls for a global minimum
corporate tax rates.... it also calls for a reversal of monetary orthodoxy,
with public investment floating green bonds, supported by central
banks.... [T]here are all kinds of ways to raise financing ... that ...
shifts the burden to those most responsible for climate pollution....
We know ... that a whopping 71 percent of total greenhouse
gas emissions since 1988 can be traced to just one
hundred corporate and state fossilfuel giants.... If the military
budgets of the top ten military spenders globally were cut by 25
percent, that would free up $325 billion annually. (pp. 282-4)
The whole point is to design policies that ... simultaneously lower
emmisions and lower the economic strain on working people. (p. 288)
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
6 Aspects of American Life Threatened by Climate Change
Daniel Kahneman, "Thinking, Fast and Slow" (2011)
네 장(chapters) 정도 읽어 보니, 이 책을 어쩌다 사게 되기 두세 달 전
서점에서 처음 봤을 때와 같은 생각이 든다. 심리학자의 책이 자주
그렇듯 별로 새롭거나 통찰이랄 게 없어 보인다. 더 읽어볼
만하지 않겠다. 오늘 도서관에 기증했다.
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