읽은 책: "The Strange Order of Things" "Bread Givers"책 읽는 즐거움 2021. 11. 24. 13:10
Antonio Damasio, "The Strange Order of Things: Life,
Feeling, and the making of Cultures" (2018)
"One of the key ideas in this book is that minds arise
from interactions of bodies and brains,
not from brains alone." (p. 200)
"The substrate of our life is a particular kind of organized
chemistry, a servant to thermodynamics and the imperative
of homeostasis.... [T]hat substrate is essential
to explain who we are." (p. 201)
"[F]eelings arose from a series of gradual, body-related
processes, bottom up, from simpler chemical and action
phenomena accumulated and maintained over evolutio....
I suggest that the interweaving of perspectival stance
and fellings provides a possible explanation for how
mental experience arise." (p. 161)
"A whole tribe could gather around a campfire, not just
for cooking and eating, but for socializing." (p. 192)
(소설) Anzia Yezierska, "Bread Givers" (1925)
"I never knew that there were people glad enough of
life to celebrate the day they were born." (p. 218)
"This was death. This was not Mother.... Cold, icy death.
Mother no more.... Where has it gone that light, that
spark, that love that looked into mine? What has it to
do with that cold clay? It's here, here, here in my heart.
She's in me, around me. Not in that clay." (p.253)
[어디고 비슷하게 생각하고 표현하는 사람들은 있다.]
"How that little bit of frendliness had changed the
world fo me! How I could be filled to the brim
with happiness by the sound of a voice, the
smile of a face!" (p. 227)
"Because I live alone, I must have my table beautiful.
It's company." (p. 277)
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