"The Lover" & "Celestial Bodies"책 읽는 즐거움 2022. 6. 15. 12:30
베트남에서 태어난 프랑스 작가 Marguerite Duras의 소설
"The Lover"와 오만(Oman) 작가 Jokah Alharthi 의 첫 소설
"Celestial Bodies"는 David Damrosch 의 "Around the
World in 80 Books" (2021)에서 처음 알게 됐다. 도서관에서
빌려다 읽었다.
Marguerite Duras, "The Lover" (불어 원본 1984, 영영본 1985)
"It was already too late when I was eighteen. Between eighteen
and twenty-five my face took off in a new direction. I grew old
at eighteen. I don't know if it's the same for everyone. I've never
asked. But I believe I've heard of the way time can suddenly
accelerate on people when they're going through even the most
youthful and highly esteemed stages of life. My aging was very
sudden. I saw it spread over my features one by one, changing
the relationship between them, making the eyes larger, the
expression sadder, the mouth more final, leaving great creases
in the forehead, But instead of being dismayed I watched this
process with the same sort of interest I might have taken in
the reading of a book.
Jokah Alharthi, "Celestial Bodies" (2010, Marilyne Booth 영역본 2018)
아랍어 원본은 “Sayyidat al-Qamr” (“Ladies of the Moon”)
현대의 Oman 이 무대인 소설이어서 특히 재밌었다.
"Listen, son, Salima said to her daughter's husband.
Abdallah, listen -- about your wife, here. She's had her
first child and it's a girl. Girls are a blessing. A girl helps
her mother and raises her younger brothers and
sisters. What we need for this new mother are forty
live chickens and a big jar of good pure mountain
honey. Plus a pot of samna, the best country butter
churned straight from a cow." (p.9)
Jokah Alharthi (위 서평에서)
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