Roman Gary 소설 "The Life Before Us" 와 안락사 / S. Thammavongsa 단편집책 읽는 즐거움 2022. 11. 16. 07:46
프랑스 소설가 Romain Gary (로맹 가리)가 1975년 가명 Émile Ajar 로
발표한 소설 "The Life Before Us" (Ralph Manhei 영역)와
라오스계 카나다 작가 Souvankham Thammavongsa 의 단편집
"How To Pronounce Knife" (2020)를 읽었다. 단편집은 가볍게 다
읽고서 근처 동네의 'Little Free Library' 상자에 넣어주었다.
"The Life Before Us"에서 주인공 소년 Momo (Mohammed)는 안락사에
대해 나와 비슷한 생각을 자주 말한다. 그런 생각을,1970대에, 로맹
가리는 말하고 싶었던 것 같다.
Romain Gary, "The Life Before Us"
"If Madame Rosa had been a dog, she'd alreay have been
put out of her misery, but people are much nicer to dogs
than human beings, who are not allowed to die
without suffering." (p. 72)
"Their worst enemy is Nature, which can be a very ugly
customer and kills them by slow torture. And France is
even worse than Nature, because it's against law to
put old people out of their misery when Nature is
choking them by degrees." (p. 103)
"In my opinion, when you live with somebody that's very
ugly, you end up loving this person for that very reason.
In my opinion, people who are really horrible looking
are always in need of love, and that's why they're
the best possible bet." (p. 134)
Souvankham Thammavongsa 단편집 "How To Pronounce Knife"
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