L. Mlodinow, "Feynman's Rainbow" 에서책 읽는 즐거움 2022. 11. 25. 02:03
Leonard Mlodinow, "Feynman's Rainbow: A Search
for Beauty in Physics and in Life" (2003)
"Staying playful, having fun, keeping a youthful
outlook. It was clear to me that for Feynman, staying
open to all the possibilities of nature, or life, was a key
to both his creativity and his happiness." (p. 81)
"'Do you understand their theory?' he said.
'I read the paper. I followed most of it.'
'Followed? Just because you are following someone
doesn't mean you are going down the correct path.
When you drive it yourself,' he said, 'then you
understand it. And maybe you can believe it.'
And a moment he added, 'Of course, you might find
that it is bullshit....'
'But the theory has been around for fifteen years,'
I said.
'Okay,' he said. 'So not only is it bullshit, it is
old bullshit.'
I laughed." (p. 144)
"But with Arlene I was really happy for a while. So
I have it all. After Arlene, the rest of my life didn't
have to be so good, you see, because I had arleady
had it all. (p. 160)
[Feynman 은 열세 살 때 처음 Arlene 을 만나서
그녀와 열아홉에 약혼하고 스물여섯에 결혼했다.
Arlene 은 결혼 몇 년 후에 TB로 세상을 떠났다.]
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