Khaled Khalifa 소설 "Death is Hard Work"책 읽는 즐거움 2023. 2. 24. 08:22
Khaled Khalifa, "Death is Hard Work" (Arabic, 2016;
First American Ed., 2019, translated by Leri Price )
시리아 내전이 배경으로 어두운 내용인데도 책을 놓기 어렵게
재밌게 읽힌다. 아랍어 원문의 영역이긴 하지만, 부드러운
문체 때문이기도 하겠다. 예를 들면:
"Simply put, he hadn't done anything; his existence was
tantamount to a vacuum. All he had done was observe
other people's lives and discover they were like him: a
collection of walking lumps taking up space, spending
their lives striving to negate death. They repeated the
same actions day in, day out, and when, like him, they
noticed that time was passing, they made some futile
gesture toward extricating themselves from their
addiction to daydreaming instead of living --
that ultimate human weakness." (p. 158)
줄거리와 작가에 대해서는 아래 서평과, 간략하게는,
책 겉표지 안쪽의 소개글에서:
책 겉표지 안쪽: 앞(위 사진)과 두(아래 사진)
'책 읽는 즐거움' 카테고리의 다른 글
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