
  • 사진 일기
    사진 일기 2023. 12. 14. 08:58




    위 두 사진: 'Noontime Tennis' (Gates Tennis Center) 치러 가는 길에 들른, 좁은 실내의, 스타벅스에서.






    Ilyon Woo, "Master Slave Husband Wife: An Epic Journey form Slavery to Freedom" (2023)

    뉴욕 타임즈 10 Best Books of 2023 (소설 5, 비소설 5)에 꼽혔다. 저자는 한국계 미국인.





    집 옆에 사십 년 넘게 서 있은 단풍나무를 잘랐다. 잎을 못 내는, 죽은, 큰 가지들이 바람이나 폭설에 꺾여 언제 떨어져 내릴지 몰라서였다.








    "Contemporary Japanese Literature: An Anthology of Fiction, Film,

    and Other Writing Since 1945" (1977) Edited by Howard Hibbett


    이 책에 실린 Tanizaki Junichiro 다니자키 준이치로의 중편 "The Bridge of Dreams" 첫 부분 -- 이 책을 Smoky Hill Library에서 (3불에) 사게 만든 -- 을 또 읽어본다:


    Today when the summer thrash

    Came to sing at Heron's Nest

    I crossed the Bridge of Dreams


    The poem was written by my mother.... The line "I crossed the Bridge of dreams" must mean "Today I read "The Bridge of Dreams" -- the last chapter of The Tale of Genji." ... "Heron's Nest" is the name by which our house has been known ever since my grandfather's time.






    "Poems of Paul Celan: translated by Michael Hamburger" (1989)


    [E]very time I return to his poems ..., this or that poem, left untranslated before, suddenly becomes translatable. This has to do with the precision and reliablility of Celan's later work.


    At his most difficult, most elliptic and paradoxical, he insisted that he was not a hermetic poet but one out to communicate, describing his poems as "ways of a voice to a receptive you," a "desperate dialogue."


    독일어 원문을 영어로 옮긴 역자 Michael Hamberger의 "Introduction"에서 읽은 두 구절이다. 그렇다면, Hanberger에 따르면 '어렵고 역설적'이라는, Celan의 시를 읽는 묘미를 적어도 몇 편에서는 즐겨볼 수 있지 않을까, 생각날 때마다 되풀이 읽으면서. 우선 짧은 시 한 편을 읽어본다:



             THREAD SUNS

             above the grey-black wilderness.

             A tree-

             high thought

             tunes in to light's pitch: there are

             still songs to be sung on the other side

             of mankind.








    책과 'hachiya' 감









    Louise Erdrich, "WatchMan" (2020)



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