전에 보험회사가 렌트해준 기아 Soul을 며칠 타본 적이 있다. 나름으로 매력적인 차다.
Devil's Food 커피숖에서 창밖을 보며
Janice Y. K. Lee, 소설 "The Expatriates" (2016)
Denise Levertov, "Candles in Babylon" (1982)
이 시집의 서시로 쓰인 "Candles in Babylon":
Through the midnight streets of Babylon
between the torture castles with no windows,
we race by barefoot, holding tight
our candles, trying to shield
the shivering flames, crying
"Sleepers Awake!"
the rhyme's promise was true,
that we may return
from this place of terror
home to a calm dawn and
the work we had just begun.
Victoria Glendinning, "Jonathan Swift" (1998)
Rainer Maria Rilke, "Letters on Cézanne" (German 원본 1952; Joel Agee 영역본 1985)
José Ortega y Gasset, "The Revolt of the Masses" (Spanish 원본1930; 영역본 1932)
Kim Hyesoon, (시집) "Pahantom Pain Wings" (2019)
(한국어 원본 "날개 환상통" 2019, Don Mee Choi 영역본 2023)
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