Paul Yoon 단편집 "The Mountain"책 읽는 즐거움 2018. 4. 10. 07:50
Paul, Yoon, The Mountain (2017)
도관에서 빌렸던 이 책에 실려 있는 여섯 편의 단편
A Willow And the Moon
Stll A Fire
Vladivostok Station
The Mountain
Milner Field
에서, 읽다 만 표제작 말고는 다 읽었는데,
어떤 친근감 때문이겠지만, 아버지와 딸의 여행 이야기가 나오는
"Milner Field"는 언젠가 다시 읽고 싶어질 것 같다.
책 앞표지 안쪽의 글을, 앞엣 것은 듣기(읽기)에 기분 좋은
것이어서, 뒤엣 것은 작품들의 전반적인 분위기를 어느 정도 느끼게
해주는 것 같아서, 아래에 옮겨 적는다.
"Yoon proves himself a literary alchemist, transforming
tragedy into beauty with deft reminders of our universal
connection.... Joining such luminaries as Jhumpa Lahiri,
Junot Diaz, and Alex Munro. Yoon has undoubtedly
earned membership in the exclusive coterie of today's
finest writers of the short form."
-- Libray Journal (starred review)
In the six stories in The Mountain, award-winning author
Paul Yoon takes readers on indelible journeys across
continents and eras. His stunning characters are migrants
and survivors, linked by trauma and the timeless quest for
solace. Whether in a sanatorium in the Hudson Valley or
at a camera sweatshop in Shanghai, a tiny village in the
Pyrenees or an inn in rural Russia, Yoon's ethereal prose
illuminates our interconnectedness as human beings.
These graceful and precise stories will haunt and delight
readers in the best ways.
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