In Paris (한나 아렌트의 파리 찬가)책 읽는 즐거움 2020. 3. 20. 04:12
Hannah Arendt's Introduction in Walter Benjamin,
Illuminations, edited by Hannah Arendt (1969) 에서:
"In Paris a stranger feels at home because he can inhabit the city
the way he lives in his own four walls. And just as one inhabits
an apartment, and makes it comfortable, by living in it instead of
just using it for sleeping, eating, and working, so one inhabits a
city by strolling through it without aim or purpose, with one's stay
secured by the countless cafes which line the streets and past
which the life of the city, the flow of pedestrians, moves along.
To this day Paris is the only one among the large cities which
can be comfortably covered on foot, and more than any other city
it is dependent for its liveliness on people who pass by in the
streets, so that the modern automobile traffic endangers its very
existence not only for technical reasons. The wasteland of an
American suburb, or the residential districts of many towns,
where all of street life takes place on the roadway and where one
can walk on the sidewalks, by now reduced to footpaths, for miles
on end without encountering a human being, is the very opposite
of Paris. What all other cities seem to permit only reluctantly to the
dregs of society -- strolling, idling, flanerie -- Paris streets
actually invite everyone to do. Thus ever since the Second Empire
the city has been the paradise of all those who need to chase
after no livelihood, pursue no career, reach no goal -- the
paradise, then, of bohemians, and not only of artists and writers
but of all those who have gathered about them because they
could not be integrated either politically -- being homeless or
stateless -- or socially."
Claude Monet, Le Parc Monceau, Paris
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