Robert Wright, "The Evolution of God"책 읽는 즐거움 2022. 9. 10. 04:26
기독교(와 기독교 신학)에 관한 책들을 꽤 열정적으로 읽었던 한때 이후
몇 십 년 만인지 모르겠는데, 유대교, 기독교, 이스람교에서, 각각의
성서에 기록된 신의 이미지가 어떻게, 그리고 왜 그렇게, 진화해 왔는지를
설명해주는 Robert Wright 의 책 "The Evolution of God" (2009) 을 상당히
흥미롭게 읽었다.
저자의 가정은, 크게, "the tone of scripture is set by the circumstance
of its creation" (p.390) 이다.
이 책을 읽으면서도, 저자가 400개 정도나 되는 참고문헌을 인용했다는
것에 고마움을 느낀다. 그중에 내가 읽은 책으로는 아마 유일할 것 같은
Albert Schweitzer, "The Quest of the Historical Jesus" 의 경험이 떠올라
더 그렇다. 우연히도, 어제 읽은, 이 블로그에도 링크시킨, 뉴욕타임즈
(독서 칼럼) "By the Book"에서도 작가 Karen Armstrong 이 Wright 와
비슷한 얘기를 하고 있다. 그러고 보니 Amstrong 의 책 "A History of
God" (1994) 도 Wright 의 '참고문헌'에 포함되어 있다. 아래에 Wright
대신, Karen Armstrong 을 "By the Book" 에서, 좀 길게, 인용한다:
Do you have a favorite book of the Bible?
I am going to call it “The Book of Paul.” ... As I got to know Paul,
with the help of a distinguished New Testament scholar, he
ceased to be an authoritarian, misogynistic figure but became
instead a vulnerable, passionate and brilliant human being.
Writing only 20 years after Jesus’ death, Paul is the earliest
Christian author. But — an important point — he indisputably
wrote only seven of the letters attributed to him in the New
Testament: The First Epistle to the Thessalonians (but probably
not the Second); Galatians; 1 and 2 Corinthians; Romans;
hilippians; and Philemon. The other so-called “Pauline” epistles
were far more conservative. Written after his death — some as
late as the early second century — they were all trying to rein
Paul in. Paul had believed that Jesus would return to earth in
his own lifetime to establish the Kingdom of God — a new
world order in which social distinctions of class, gender and
race would be obliterated. “In Christ there are no more
distinctions between Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and
female, but all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).
Jesus, of course, did not return in glory, and Christians decided
that if they were to survive in Roman society, they needed a
more conservative approach.
뉴욕타임즈 서평: The Evolution of God
Robert Wright, "The Evolution of God" (2009)
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