Carlo Rovelli, "De rerum natura"책 읽는 즐거움 2022. 8. 28. 16:25
읽고 있는 Carlo Rovelli, "There Are Places ..."에 실린 에세이다.
Lucretius (사진)와 그의 시 De rerum natura (On the Nature of
Things 사물의 본성에 관하여) 에 대해, 얼마 전에 Stephen
Greenblatt 의 The Swerve: How the World Became Modern 을
읽었는데 이제 또 Rovelli 의 에세이로 읽게 되어 반가웠다. Rovelli 의
일곱 쪽짜리 이 에세이를 먼저 읽었으면 나는 Greebaltt 는 안 읽기로
했을 거다. (Rovelli 의 이 책이 대학생들 또래 청년들의 필독서로
꼽히면 좋겠다는 생각을 또 해본다.)
아래는 에세이에서 몇 구절:
"In 1417 the Florentine humanist Poggio Bracciolini discovered in
a German monastery a copy of the De rerum natura, the
extraordinary poem by Lucretius that had forgotten for millennia.
Bracciolini could harldly have imagined the influence that the
short text in poor condition.... The extent of that influence on the
Italian and wider European Renaissance, and in fact upon the
entire development of the modern world, is reconstructed by
Stephen Greenblatt."
"It isn't just the naturalism, rationalism and materialism of
Lucretius that are being awakened in Europe. It isin't only a
luminous and calm meditation on the beauty of the world and the
possibility of serenely accepting death. It is much more thatn this:
it is an articulate and complex conceptual structure for thinking
about reality, a new and radically different way of thinking to the
medieval one that have dominated for centuries."
"There is [in Lucretius] no fear of the gods, no intentionality or
causes in the world.... There is a profound love for nature, a
calm immersion in it, a recognition that we are part of it
"The echo of this mental universe that was resurrected by the
rediscovery of Lucretius reverberates directly in the pages of
authors ranging from Galileo to Kepler, ..., from Montaigne,
who in his essays cites Lucretius more than a hundred times,
down to Nweton, Dalton, Spinoza, Darwin and even Einstein,
who wrote beautifully on Lucretius: 'For anyone who is not
completely submerged in the spirit of our age ... on him wil
Lucretius's poem work its magic.'"
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