2024 Olympic Videos스크랩북 2024. 8. 11. 08:27
. Women's Air Rifle Final Women's Archery Final Men's Archery Final Women's 25m Air Pistol Women's Archery Individual Men's Archery Individual Women's Tennis Singles Final Badminton Women's Singles Final( Badminton: 안세영 vs 마린 ) Lydia Ko wins gold, into LPGA Hall of Fame2024 Olympics Recap | Golf Competition ( Lydia Ko's 20 LPGA Tour Wins ) Lydia Ko 고보경 Women's Marathon Men's Marathon
You See Rubble and Garbage. She Sees New York’s Next Great Park.스크랩북 2024. 7. 27. 23:25
. You See Rubble and Garbage. She Sees New York’s Next Great Park.Rosa Chang devoted herself to repurposing nine ugly acres under the Brooklyn Bridge. Amazingly, nobody has said no yet. By John LelandJuly 27, 2024, The New York Times 아래 글과 사진은 본문에서 발췌: The area under the Brooklyn Bridge in Lower Manhattan is a forbidding swath of rubble and construction equipment, cut off from the sky by six la..
Joe Biden Must Bow Out of the Race.스크랩북 2024. 7. 10. 02:00
. The Democratic Party Must Speak the Plain Truth to the President July 8, 2024The Editorail Board, The New York Times "From the grass roots to the highest levels of the party, Democrats who want to defeat Mr. Trump in November should speak plainly to Mr. Biden. They need to tell him that his defiance threatens to hand victory to Mr. Trump. They need to tell him that he is embarrassing himself a..
Amy Yang Captures Elusive Major Victory at KPMG Women's PGA Championship스크랩북 2024. 6. 24. 11:10
. Amy Yang Captures Elusive Major Victory at KPMG Women's PGA Championship Amy Yang 양 희영이 드디어 LPGA( Ladies Professional Golf Association) Major 토나먼트 참피언이 됐다. 그녀눈 이전에 참가한 일흔 네 번의 메이저 토나먼트에서 2위를 두 번, 3 ~ 4위를 일곱 번이나 해서 메이저에 강한 선수로는 알려져 있었다. 참 기쁜 일이다. 사진: 위 기사에서
How to Think Through the Moral Tangle in Gaza스크랩북 2024. 6. 6. 12:34
. How to Think Through the Moral Tangle in GazaBy Nicholas KristofJune 1, 2024, New York Times 뉴욕 타임즈 칼럼니스트 Bret Stephens는 분명 아니지만, 위 칼럼에 명시된 니콜라스 크리스토프의 생각에 대체로 동의하는 유태인들도 많겠다. 아래는, 사진도 포함해서, 위 칼럼에서:Israelis have built a remarkable economy and society and should have the right to raise their children without fear of terror attacks, while Palestinians should enjoy the same freedoms and be able..
처벌 받지 않은 자들: 어떻게 극단주의자들이 이스라엘을 장악했는가스크랩북 2024. 5. 17. 00:18
.The Unpunished: How Extremists Took Over IsraelBy Ronen Bergman and Mark MazzettiMay 16, 2024, The New York Times 50년 넘게 팔레스타인인들에 대한 유태인 극우국가주의자들의 폭력과 테러를 막는 데에 실패한 후 무법이 법이 되었다. * 비디오: Our Reporter on the Radicalization of Israel 아래는 위 기사에서 "Such violence over the decades in places like Khirbet Zanuta is well documented. But protecting the people who carry out that violence is the dark secret ..
N. Kristof, "The Case for Hope"스크랩북 2024. 5. 13. 07:12
. The Case for HopeBy Nicholas KristofMay 9, 2024, The New York Times (위 에세이에 나오는 아래 구절은, 오래전에 일부를 읽고는 잊고 있은 Isaiah Berlin의 책을 내게 일깨워 주(었)기에여기 따로 인용한다.) "How can we weigh democratic decline against lives saved through medical progress? Of course we can’t. As my intellectual hero, Isaiah Berlin, might say, they are incommensurate yardsticks — but that does not mean that they are irrelevant to ou..
미 대학생들 시위; Israel Has a Choice; 한-일 여권 없이 왕래해야스크랩북 2024. 4. 27. 23:31
. 0. 덧붙임 -- 5/27/2024 뉴욕 타임즈 Israeli Airstrike Kills Dozens in Tent Camp in Rafah 0. 덧붙임 -- 5/24/2024 뉴욕 타임즈 U.N. Court Orders Israel to Halt Rafah Offensive 0. 덧붙임 -- 5/20/2024 뉴스 0.1 "한 이스라엘 공습이 센트럴 가자에서, 여자와 어린이가 대부분인, 27명을 죽였다."5/20/2024, 덴버 포스트 0.2 ICC Prosecutor Requests Warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas LeadersMay 20, 2024, The New York Times "The chief prosecutor at the world’s top crimi..
This is a stain on the Jewish state스크랩북 2024. 3. 15. 00:42
. 나치 독일이 저지른 Holocaust는 독일 역사의 오점. 토마스 프리드만의 뉴욕 타임즈 칼럼에서 "This is a stain on the Jewish state"를 읽는데 떠오른 말이다. 'holocaust'(대학살, 대파괴), 하면 내게 먼저 생각나는 게 이젠 둘에서 셋이 됐다: BC14(?)세기의 여리고 성, 20세기의 Holocaust, 21세기의 이스라엘에 의한 가자 민긴인 학살. 아래 비디오, 기사(인용), 사진은 모두 뉴욕 타임즈에서 비디오 (2024/03/13): Destruction of a neighborhood in Khan Younis, Gaza Netanyahu Is Making Israel Radioactive By Thomas L. Friedman , reporting f..
지휘자 Elim Chan, She Boxes, She Conducts.스크랩북 2024. 3. 6. 11:52
. She Boxes. She Conducts. She Delights in Defying Stereotypes. By Javier C. Hernández Mar. 5, 2024, The New York Times 아래 비디오, 인용, 사진은 위 기사에서 Rimsky-Korsakov: Sheherazade Op 35 - Rotterdam Phil (비디오) It was only a decade ago that, Chan, a native of Hong Kong, blazed onto the scene as the first woman to win the esteemed Donatella Flick Conducting Competition in England. Since then, she has joine..