Adrift Between My Parents' Two Americas스크랩북 2022. 7. 23. 21:34
The New York Times Magazine Adrift Between My Parents' Two Americas David Treuer’s father, an Austrian immigrant, loved this country. His Native mother, born on a reservation, could never forgive it. Where does that leave him? 아래 인용 구절들과 사진은 위 기사에서 [M]y mom wanted to move back to our reservation, Leech Lake, in northern Minnesota. So we moved. My father loved Native people in a curiously modern ..
U.C.L.A. and U.S.C., Welcome to the Big Ten스크랩북 2022. 7. 10. 22:48
U.C.L.A. and U.S.C., Welcome to the Big Ten By Jane Coaston July 9, 2022, 뉴욕타임즈 "Big Ten was originally composed of Midwestern universities like Michigan (where, as regular readers know, I went), the University of Illinois and the University of Wisconsin, before adding Penn State in 1990 to make the Big Ten a conference of 11." "And the customs of the Big Ten Conference — apple pie, winter casse..
June Huh, One of Four Fields Medalists 2022스크랩북 2022. 7. 5. 22:35
(필즈상은 '수학(분야)의 노벨상'으로 불린다. 4년마다 주어진다.) 뉴욕 타임즈: Fields Medals in Mathematics Won by Four Under Age 40 "It was only in his last year of college, when he was 23, that he discovered math again. That year, Heisuke Hironaka, a Japanese mathematician who had won a Fields Medal in 1970, was a visiting professor at Seoul National. Dr. Hironaka was teaching a class about algebraic geometry, and Dr. Huh, l..
In Gee Chun Claims KPMG Women's PGA Championship스크랩북 2022. 6. 27. 08:59
In Gee Chun Claims KPMG Women's PGA Championship 아래는 모두 lpga.com 홈페이지에서: Chun Perseveres, Holds Off Thompson To Win KPMG Women's PGA Championship 비디오: Final Round Highlights - 2022 KPMG Women's PGA Championship Honest In Gee Shows Her True Self at KPMG Women's PGA
프랑스는 어떻게 아이티로부터 '몸값'을 짜냈는가스크랩북 2022. 5. 24. 00:40
세 주 전 Thomas Piketty, "A Brief History of Equality"에서 처음 그 이야기를 읽었는데, 보다 자세한 내용을 이번엔 뉴욕타임즈 특별기사로 읽게 됐다. THE RANSON: Haiti's Lost Billions "Haiti became the first and only country where the descendants of enslaved people paid the families of their former masters for generations." "Haiti made payments ... over the course of seven decades." The Root of Haiti's Misery: Reparations to Enslavers The R..
한국 기아(棄兒)였던 Buffalo Bills President Kim Pegula 이야기스크랩북 2022. 1. 22. 23:39
Kim Pegula 이야기 Kim Pegula gives advice to women seeking NFL careers 오스트랄리안 오픈 테니스 4차전에 진출한 Jessica Pegula 기사에서 그녀가 미식축구팀 Buffalo Bills 를 공동으로 소유하는 어머니 Kim 과 아버지 Terry 의 딸이란 걸 읽으면서야 Kim Pegula 얘기가 생각났다. Jessica 는3차전에서 승리하고서, "Bills you're next" (나는 이겼으니 이젠 Bills 가 이길 차레예요), 라고. 나도, 작년부터 Bills 와 쿼터백 Josh Allen 의 팬이라서, 내일(일요일) 캔사스 시티와의 경기에서 버팔로가 이기기를 바란다. ▶ Jessica Pegula v Maria Sakkari Highlights