아침 테니스, M. Robinson 소설 "Gilead" & "Home"책 읽는 즐거움 2014. 11. 23. 12:12
토요일 아침 테니스, 11/22/14
아침 7시쯤, Washington Park 코트로 가는 길에 (위, 아래)
아침 9시쯤, Washington Park.
오는 길에 덴버대 교정에서.
간밤에 마저 읽은 Marilynne Robinson의 소설 'Home'
얼마 전에 읽은 Marilynne Robinson 의 또 다른 소설 'Gilead'와 어제 밤에 마지막 장을 넘긴 'Home'은,
같은 인물들의 같은 시기 이야기여서, 둘을 합쳐서 한 소설로 생각해도 될 것 같다.
사실 간밤에도, 두 권 짜리 소설을 이제 다 읽었다는 그런 기분이었었다.
'Gilead'를 읽었기 때문에 'Home'을 더 재밌게 읽을 수 있었던 것도 분명하다.
"Any human face is a claim on you, because you can't help but understand
the singuraity of it, the courage and loneliness of it." (p 66, Gilead)
"And we will think, All that fear and all that grief were about nothing. But that
can not be true. I can't believe we will forget our sorrows altogether. That would
mean forgetting that we had lived, humanly speaking. Sorrow seems to me
to be a great part of the substance of human life. For example, at this very moment
I feel a kind of loving grief for you as you read this, [...]." (p 104, Gilead)
"... peace does restore me better than sleep can do." (p 133, Gilead)
"I believe most of that grief was just old Boughton's loneliness for the boy who
has been such a stranger to him and to all of us." (p 189, Gilead)
We human beings do real harm. History could make a stone weep." (p 190, Gilead)
"It is worth living long enough to outlast whatever sense of grievance you may
acquire. Another reason why you must be careful of your health." (p 238, Gilead)
"I'll pray that you grow up a brave man in a brave country. I will pray
you find a way to be useful." (p 247, the last page of Gilead)
"The garden gave her a perfectly good reason not to be anywhere else, not to do
anything else. And it always needed more time than she coul give it." (p 38, Home)
"Her father told his children to pray for patience, for courage, for kindness,
for clarity, for trust, for gratitude." (p 69, Home)
"And she went upstairs and lay on her bed and hated her life until morning." (p 74, Home)
"That is what her mother always did. After every calamity of any significance she
would fill the atmosphere of the house with the smell of cinnamon rolls
or brownies, or [...]." (p 252, Home)
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