Louise Glück 노벨문학상 수상시 2020. 10. 10. 00:23
시인 Louise Glück 이 2020 노벨문학상 수상자로 선정됐다.
특히 반가웠다. 내가 미국 현역 시인의 시로는 처음 읽은 게
90년대 후반에 잡지 "New Yorker"에서 읽은 Louise Glück 의
시였다. 미국 현역 시인들의 시를 가끔 찾아 읽게 된 것도
그때부터였다. 이 블로그에 올렸던 그녀의 시는 "Red Poppy" 와
"A Summer Garden" (낭송: L. Glück)인데 특히 "Red Poppy"는
내게 선명한 인상을 남겼다. 아래는 뉴욕타임즈에 실린
Louise Glück 인터뷰 기사다.
Louise Glück on Poetry, Aging and a Surprise Nobel Prize
Oct. 8, 2020, The New York Times
"One of the few good things to say about old age is that
you have a new experience. Diminishment is not everybody’s
most anticipated joy, but there is news in this situation. And
that, for a poet or writer, is invaluable. I think you have always
to be surprised and to be, in a way, a beginner again, otherwise
I would bore myself to tears."
"Pared down sometimes, yeah. Sometimes I write conversationally.
You don’t work on a voice. The sentence finds a way to speak
itself.... It’s a hard thing to discuss, a voice. I think I am fascinated
by syntax and always felt its power, and the poems that moved
me most greatly were not the most verbally opulent."
"Louise Glück, A Nobel Winner"
Oct. 8, 2020, The New York Times
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