책 읽는 즐거움
President Obama on What Books Mean to Him책 읽는 즐거움 2017. 1. 17. 12:00
President Obama on What Books Mean to Him 1/16/2017, NYT "Some of the craft of writing a good speech is identical to any othergood writing: Is that word necessary? Is it the right word?Is there a rhythm to it that feels good?How does it sound aloud?" "... not just the poetry of fiction, but also the depth of fiction." "Fiction was useful as a reminder of the truths under the s..
Book Review: Han Kang, "Human Acts" (2017)책 읽는 즐거움 2017. 1. 11. 23:19
The Author of ‘The Vegetarian’ Takes On Korea’s Violent Past By Nami Mun, 1/10/2017, NYT Han Kang, "Human Acts," Translated by Deborah Smith, 2017 한강의 소설 "소년이 온다"(2014)의 영역본 작가 한강의 The Man Booker International Prize 수상작 "Vegetarian)" (Deborah Smith 번역)이 뉴욕 타임즈의 '2016 Best 10 Books' 리스트에도 오르더니..
읽는 즐거움: 뇌와 마음에 관한 책읽기책 읽는 즐거움 2017. 1. 6. 06:54
최근에 읽은 책들 중에는 '뇌와 마음'에 관한 것들이 많다 (삼십 대 이전에 기독교와 신학에 관한 책들을 즐겨 읽던 생각이 난다). 출판 년도가 최근인 순서로 적어 보면: Stanislas Dehaene, "Consciousness and the Brain" (2014), Zoltan Torey, "The Conscious Mind" (2014), Patricia Churchland, "Touching A Nerve: The Self As Bra..
More Than Coffee: New York’s Vanishing Diner Culture책 읽는 즐거움 2016. 11. 28. 01:49
More Than Coffee: New York’s Vanishing Diner Culture By George Blecher, 11/23/2016, NYT "How will New Yorkers get along without these antidotes to urban loneliness?" 읽으면서 떠올린 것: Carson McCullers 의, 스물 세 살 때 낸, 첫 소설 "The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter" (1940) (그러고 보니, 남부가 배경인 이 소설에 나오는 카페도 "New York Caf&#..